BTW, David ... Your conversions are quite simple yet very effective. Well done! (Of course, everyone is going to want to know where you got those beautiful Westphalian helmets!) ... 
The helmets were made from broken Roman helmets, the ear flaps break off pretty easily. I removed the plume, flattened the top of the helmet and made the crests of wood, then painted them. The metal parts are metallic look plastic. I made them years ago ... as you know Richard
Maximus wrote...
What i am most have a lot of soldiers and shako's, where do you get them .... ds??Some of them aren't even available anymore.The most have cost you a fortune?! Shocked
No they didn`t cost a fortune, some came from eBay and some were given to me. The " Redcoats" are available from the Direct Service now. That means you can order as many shakos as you like; they won`t cost more than 15 to 20 cents each. Removing the painnt is very easy.

Krystal wrote...
I also like how the soldiers don't all look identical. Even though they wear the same uniform, their faces and hair gives them each a unique character. In fact, one of the footsoldiers (if that's the right term) looks very, very familiar... but I can't quite place him. Wink
I don`know much about `Musketeer Warrenz, ´ he probabvly has a shady past. :wink:
The Granadier Officer? I thought all the ladies would swoon for the other officer.. ^O^ :lol: