Well, here goes nothing.

C'mon and fight PlaymoGuy!

Here is my beginning formation:

(Just an new note,
In my rules, I talk about attacking the flanks of your enemy.
Since you cant see the way the people are facing on this board,
We will say at the end of our turn, which way they are facing.
Mine now are facing North.)

(Also, I forgot to mention what archers and spear-men look like in our discussions,
Spear-men are the red or pink squares with black dots,
Archers are the red or pink squares with purple or green dots.)
So save the image and draw in your army on paint,
Remember our pms for the differences in heavy and light infantry and other units.
After we have both drawn our armies,
We will commence the battle by taking away the orange lines.
You may go first.

(I also ask that anyone who is reading the thread
please not comment until the battle is over.
It may make it more confusing for us while playing.)