It might be a small consolation for you that these pictures brought me finally to order some parts from malone (by far not enough to cover everything that is displayed up there :-( ). And I will get a few more. I think it could be considered a kind of advertisement. It would be much better of course if these matters were settled to the full content of all involved.

Huge surprise a attack agains't cooster stay here ! last time , i have to say i will plaint to remove a diffamation picture (worm) from him ....
hello Henry martini ; You know , i don't have any interest in what Malone sell , it's just a moral point of vue (the worth of all is i was diffamated in 2 forums for that ... ). When Malone did a post about people who sell his creation , cooster was accused (he show his pirate manufacture in uchronys .. ) but he didn't come to speak with Malone ... what can he say ? nothing he assume completly to do that ...
Advertisement ? You mean publicity ? (sorry for my english !) Considering Albator , cooster and co never write the name of Malone nowhere (they sometime write the spanish creator in playmodelisme ... ) i have a serious doubt about the fact they write something about Malone on this dio ... You know Malone but lot of people don't , in france the picture with theses hats from cooster , albator or kaisergarde never have the name of the creator with and everyone can believe easilly it's french work ... (klick it sell some Malone parts as if it was his work ...) I met few person who believe theses hats are from cooster and albator .... my point of vue "the world won't be distroy by the bad people but by the people who watch it and do nothing " In the forum noone don't care about morality ...